Vue at Jindivick
Anita and Paul Day's garden began with an avenue of Manchurian pears. Fourteen years on, they have a ½ acre of flower and food garden adjacent to 32 acres of forest that's home to Bambi, Skippy, and Peter Rabbit. The Days have successfully combined supporting abundant wildlife with successful food gardening.
Vue has herb and vegetable gardens, as well as perennial borders, roses and everyone’s summer favourite: dahlias.
Anita and Paul are very happy to share with visitors to Vue, what they have discovered on their journey over the past 15 years.

In our food garden
Each season brings new delights, and we get a huge thrill out of all we grow. We preserve our harvest in chutneys, sauces, and jams and share our excess produce with family and friends.
Standout sustainable practices
We follow no-dig gardening methods inspired by Charles Dowding. Although not strictly a permaculture garden, we apply as many permaculture principles as possible.
At the beginning of 2023, we made the decision not to buy any more commercial organic fertilisers. We also make all our own compost and weed teas, hot compost and aerobic compost teas.
Top tip for novice gardeners
Start small and grow the vegetables you love to eat.
Look out for
Ample amazing evidence that you can share your patch successfully with the furry, four-footed locals.
For sale on the day
Veggie avatar
Paul – Silverbeet – Reliable. Always there for you.
Anita – Eggplant – Bright, shiny, and versatile.
Free events in our garden
Aerated Compost Tea
11.30am & 2.30pm Saturday & Sunday
Paul Day (the Compost Man) teaches aerated compost tea making for healthy gardens